Yesterday, I decided to smoke a brisket for dinner. Looking in the fridge, I realized that I had to make more rub. A Dry Rub, or simply a Rub, is the spice mixture you can use to flavor meat when you smoke or grill it. Many people use sauces and marinades, but I prefer a dry rub.
Here is the recipe I use:
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup salt
2 tablespoons paprika
2 tablespoons red pepper
1 tablespoon ground cumin
1 tablespon ground celery seed
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/2 teaspoon ground mustard
This is based on the recipe that Martin gave me. I made a few changes. Martin’s recipe called for ground celery, which is nearly impossible to find, so I switched it to celery seed. I added cayenne pepper for a little extra zang and mustard for fuller flavor.
In the picture you can see the old rub in a jar with holes punched in the top so it can be used as a shaker. On the left is a coffee grinder that I use to grind the spices. I grind the crushed red pepper and the celery seed in it. In the bowl are all the ingredients mixed together. I toss in the leftover old rub as well.
Here’s the brisket. Note the rub shaker is full and ready for action.
“Cover liberally in rub” are the instructions and as you can see, I follow instructions. The brisket was then tossed into the smoker for about 9 hours. Low, slow heat does the trick.
The real question to ask is, how did it taste, and is there any left overs?
Good question James. Another one would be if the answers to the previous two were yes, could I then have some please? 🙂 Looks good.
Me too. My grandmother’s brisket is what I would choose for my last meal as a condemned man. oooooooooooo Brisket!
How the hell do you know what you’re going to eat 9 hours ahead of time, yet you can’t decide where to go to lunch until we’re in the car?
How about a picture of the final product for all of us to druel over?