I lost a friend today

Today a friend of mine for almost 20 years crossed the line.
He’s been going through some hard times with a broken heart, career struggles, and loneliness in a new city. I’ve tried to talk to him and cheer him up, but he sinks deeper and deeper into depression and anger.
Today he lashed out at my wife. Somehow, she’s the cause of his troubles in his mind.
That crosses the line. You lash out at me, and I can take it and be ready to dish it right back. All’s fair in disagreements between friends. Friendships have their ups and downs. But when you attempt to hurt and threaten my family, I will not stand for it. At all.
I wish my friend good luck in finding his way out of his troubles and hope he gets the help he so desperately needs. It’s sad to see things go this way, but it’s his choice to do the things he’s done. I can’t tell him what to do, but he has to deal with the consequences of his actions.
It’s a good thing I have many friends to turn to in times like this. 🙂


6 thoughts on “I lost a friend today”

  1. Sorry to hear about your friend. I’m sure the words won’t do much for you, but I know how you feel. I recently lost a friend of 15 years because of my views on politics. He and his family are very conservative, where I am very liberal.
    Countless debates led to irrational behavior on his part and he did things that crossed the line in my book. We still talk occasionally, but only over email. I have no desire to see him. It’s possible that could change, but I doubt it will be anytime soon.

  2. Trust me when I say…
    He ain’t good enough to be your friend.
    It’s a shame it when down like it did, but I honestly feel he got the result he wanted in all this.
    Hopefully, he will get help and see he was wrong in the way, he not only treated you or Michele, but all of us he used to call a friends.

  3. i empathize with your situation. i’m very sorry that you have lost a friend that you’ve had for so long. but i agree that it’s important to know when to draw the line. and family comes first.
    but it’s always sad to lose a friend. i’m sorry to hear it.

  4. Mike, you lost a friend long ago, and not because of anything you did. My issue was with your wife, so I confronted her. She knows what it is about – you do not. She chose to share my letter with you (and friends of the family?), but only my harsh words, not her own harsh actions.
    It is not my place to disclose the truth to you – only she should. Instead she has (smartly) made me the psycho, which by now I am used to being branded by those whose perspectives of right and wrong are driven solely by incomplete information and self-righteous superiority.
    This was inevitable because I can not live a lie and watch an old friend live in ignorant bliss. The loss of our friendship was inevitable given the actions of your wife. I simply have the courage to bring things to the forefront rather than staring you in the face and continuing to feel sorry for you. She projected that I am “not good enough” for my ex when, in reality it is she who is not good enough for you, and she knows it, and she is scared.
    My words to your wife could prove friendly relative to your own someday. In the meantime, I will be branded “not worth it” by anyone anywhere if it allows me to avoid fallacies and people like her. Trash me all you want in this public forum, but you know not of what you speak. Perhaps someday you will know what prompted this event and feel remorse, but given your ever-present condescending superiority, I will not care.
    Well done, Michele.

  5. Wow! Drama.
    I’m sorry, I know it’s not at all a laughing matter, but after our recent friend-related drama, I just try not to take this kind of stuff too seriously.
    Ultimately, you just have to be responsible for your own happiness and well-being and let others be responsible for theirs. And if your happiness and well-being require separating yourself from someone you care about, then so be it.

  6. This week I decided I needed to separate myself from someone I have been friends with for a few years. He just stopped speaking to me because of a situation he chose to be in and people found out. Little does he know I don’t care about what he chooses to do in his personal life. I only care that he is happy. Why his personal situation has torn us apart, I can’t answer. However, My heart is so broken over this my heart hurts everyday. Today I got up and just began to cry but I don’t know what I did to cause such a response from him. I know I will at sometime get over it but for right now it is difficult and I do want him back in my life. Am I being silly and a glutton for punishment.

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