Some listeners to Indie 103.1, the new radio station in Los Angeles, have been having a discussion in the comments of one of my post about the station.
To make things a little simpler, I’ve made a forum of Indie 103.1 listeners to use.
Introducing the Indie 103.1 Forum.
Please enjoy responsibly.
13 thoughts on “Indie 103.1 Forum”
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Thanks for bringing this station to my attention.
Way to go Cruftman.
Where can i find a line up of what songs they play? I am trying to find a certain song i hear all the time onthe station.
Love the station but I would like to know the names of the bands and songs. Hope it stays on the air!!!!
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This station, hands down beats anyone. I love this station. I hope they can get a stronger signal, so you can hear them better in the SF Valley. Jonesy’s Jukebox is king.
u got the best radio station ever better then kroq u rox like down n under holla back david bowie rock n u too bye
I wrote to Martin Gordon of Radio Stars after I heard Jones play “Dirty Pictures” and “No Russians in Russia” by Radio Stars. Martin was pleased. I guess they got in touch with each other after my note. Martin sent his 2 latest solo albums to Jones. I’d love if these were played on 103.1!
I wrote to Martin Gordon of Radio Stars after I heard Jones play “Dirty Pictures” and “No Russians in Russia” by Radio Stars. Martin was pleased. I guess they got in touch with each other after my note. Martin sent his 2 latest solo albums to Jones. I’d love if these were played on 103.1!
I work at a Ducati shop and our lead tech listens to this station, today while popping my lunch into the microwave, i couldn’t believe my ears, on the radio during jonesys jukebox, I hear “Claire” by Gilbert O’Sullivan, i wanted to click my heals and do cartwheels, too old I can’t but I was absolutely amazed and astonished not to mention it made my day. Is there a phone number where you can call and talk to the dj….I am flabbergasted…..Thanks
Hey. I go to college in Canada. Victoria B.C. Its an island, off of vancouver (aka vanvouver island) I have a spare everyday after my first class in the morning. I dont have cash for a cd player/mp3/ipod/cd’s so i listen to internet radio. All radio pretty much sucks because its all mainstream, overplayed, overrated stupid shit, but I really appreciate indie 103.1. There’s actually decent music on this thing. Anyways, Canada has great skateboarding, especially vancouver, Victoria’s pretty hammers too so if your planning on taking a trip, take one to my island. parks are free and crete, no pads no helmet, plus BC bud. come in the summer, when the weather is severely similar to cali summers. light early, dark late, hot all day and thetis lake cliffs beat the beach any day, If your into shows theres usually a good one every two or three nights in the summer (victoria) more in van, a good one every two or three weeks in the winters. If your chillin and kinda cool, maybe a lil hesh or only a little fresh someone will put you up I’m sure. If you do come around we may bump into each other…but we’ll never know it.
Thats it for me, so from me and Canada…later
indie, you’re the best thing since poprocks!
Does anyone know where I can get MP3s of Jonesy’s Jukebox between Dec. 08- Dec.12, 2004?