Enterprise in the hizzou

Last night I watched the season premiere of Enterprise. It was great.
For those not following, at the end of last season, the Earth was attacked by an alien probe and 7 million people were killed. Enterprise was recalled and told to go out and find the people responsible (the Xindi). They added a team of Starfleet commandos, new weapons, and a bad-ass attitude.
This week they finally got to the ooo-scary Delphic Expanse, and started on the hunt. I liked it. Why?
1) Opening music better. (Hard to believe, I know)
2) Aliens that were not humans with plastic on their forehead.
3) Vulcan hottie outfit
4) Archer acting like Kirk instead of Janeway
5) Firefight with women commando kung-fu action
6) Floxx manipulating everyone
8) No simple answers
9) ‘Distortion field’ craziness
10) The alien boss sucking on gas. I kept expecting him to say “‘Heineken’? Fuck that shit! ‘Pabst Blue Ribbon’! ”
11) Lastly, and most importantly, NO ETHICAL DILEMMAS
Give it a watch. I’ve still got the premiere on Tivo if you need it.
Just a little taste for you more visual types…


6 thoughts on “Enterprise in the hizzou”

  1. Odd. My Tivo didn’t record it. When was it on?
    My Todo list has an Enterprise episode scheduled to record this Wednesday.
    heh… I take it back. It did get it, I just didn’t notice it there. I guess I’ll have to watch it soon.
    I love being able to check these things on my Tivo from work.

  2. Are you FREAKING INSANE? Last year’s season finale was great, but the premiere didn’t live up to the hype. It’s the same horrible theme song, only now it sounds less Whitesnake and more John Tesh. I’m all for Vulcan boobies, but I don’t see why they bother with these elaborate plot devices to get her shirtless. I did like the commando sharp-shooter.
    Next week it looks like Archer tortures an alien in an airlock. If he goes through with it, we’ll have a good show on our hands. But the alien will probably give in at the last second and Archer will spare him.

  3. They can end the season right now. Tivo grabbed a heaping helping of those Topless Vulcan Boobies for me, and I’m not about to let go.

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