Riding the Rail

From Mission to Universal City

Friday I took the new Gold Line to work. I got on at the Mission station and rode it to Union Station, where I switched to the Red Line. From the Red Line station at Universal City I took bus 96 to the office. $3 for the fares. I had plenty of time to read my book and I didn’t have to worry about anything.
I was quite pleased. I only wish LA had an even more extensive rail system.
That night I took the train back to Hollywood & Vine to meet up with Michele to have dinner and see a movie. The girls were with our great, new babysitter. After dinner we saw the movie Buffalo Soldiers. The story takes place in Germany just before the fall of the Berlin Wall. A few people are worked up that the story shows the US soliders in a bad light surrounded by drugs and crime. Unfortunately, there is much truth in the portrayal of that era. I had several friends that joined the Army after college and were stationed in Germany. They told me stories about the rampant drug use and the low morale.
The actors in the film did a good job, but the director couldn’t seem to make up his mind about what the story was. A romance? a crime story? the fall of an anti-hero/ You don’t really feel for any of the characters and don’t care a tremendous amount about what happens. The action switches direction in someplaces for no reason, and there is no follow-up the what happens to several of the characters.
It’s worth a DVD rental, but it wasn’t worth a a pair of $14 Arclight tickets.
On Saturday I took the train up to Arcadia and did some shopping. I actually got to the shopping place faster on the train than if I would have taken the car. I’m getting hooked on the train.
Today I went down to my parent’s house with the girls. I introduced them to Model Rocketry. Last week I picked up a set of Micro Maxx mini rockets. The only pack 200 milli-newton/seconds of thrust so they only go up 50-75 feet. The quiet street my parent’s live was perfect.
The girls loved the rockets and wanted more. I only had three mortors, so I have to order more. Good times.


4 thoughts on “Riding the Rail”

  1. The train is defintely viable, it just takes a little more time. About an hour by train, and 1/2 hour by car.
    I’d have to change my morning schedules to start leaving a little earlier.

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