
The washing machine is broken.
Last night Michele casually says, “I know you just wanted to read your new book up front, but I think the washing machine isn’t washing.”
I go check and sure enough, the agitator is not agitating.
I assume that it’s due to the normal condition of Michele shoving 3 loads of clothes into the washer at the same time. She explains the reasoning for overloading the washer as “We have a lot of laundry!”
The wet laundry is pulled out of the washer and into the sink to reveal a washer that still won’t agitate. I try the usual cycling of the washer, all to no avail. Something is actually broken.
After a bit of disassembly, I find that a plastic adapter for the agitator that connects to the drive motor is stripped. Now, I don’t mean stripped as in it still works and slips occasionally. I mean stripped as in completely smooth with no traction at all. The part will have to be replaced.
It took many, MANY oversized loads to do this kinda damage.
I go explain this to Michele and her only question is, “Can I have a new front-loading washer now?”. I roll my eyes and go check the internet for the part.
The part is $4.90 and $20+ for overnight shipping. For grins, I check to see the price of a new front-loading washer. The cheapest one is around $700 at Sears.
$25 vs. $700? Hmmm… What to do, what to do?
Of course, I ordered the spare part and explained to Michele that it will take a much more expensive break to get me to buy a new washer. She just smiled.
Later, I had a vision of Michele taking a hammer to the insides of the washer, hoping to bring about the early arrival of the new front-loading washer. I need to keep a eye on her. She’s sneaky.


6 thoughts on “Broken”

  1. perhaps you should install a webcam in the laundry room. You can get it to snap and save a picture every 30 sec or 1 min.

  2. and i nearly (unintentionally) broke my new front loader by running it before taking out the brackets that stabilize the drum during shipping. “something is very wrong!” i was yelling as i sat on the machine trying to keep it from travelling across the basement floor. the lesson? read your owner’s manual.

  3. I bet she forgot to clean the lint filter. You should clean it out every 6 months when you change your clocks for daylight savings time.

  4. Dude, move to Pasadena. Seriously. I just bought a new Kenmore front loader from Sears for $650 (recommended by Consumer Reports). Pasadena Water & Power is going to rebate $200 for Energy Star compliance and another $200 for water efficiency. Plus another $75 from the state. So the ticket price of the washer is actually $175! At that price, you’d be losing money if you didn’t buy one!
    So move to Pasadena cuz we rule while you drool. Yes, we are the champions. We are the champions. No time for losers, cuz we are the champions!

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