Grey Day

Southern California is having yet another grey day as the clouds linger overhead.
Last night’s adventure in spyware removal was successful. I ran AdAware several times to purge the computers of the problem. What a pain in the ass.
Yesterday on my way back from the library I stopped by a new video store in town. Videotheque in South Pasadena is a DVD rental place specializing in “Foreign – Classic – Independent – Alternative – Rare Cinema“. I was pretty impressed. The first thing you notice is that most of the store has the films organized by Director. How f*iing cool is that. The rest of the DVDs are organized by very specific genres. There was a British Crime area and a War area. I highly recommend checking it out.
Work today should be a little busy. We’ve got the Apple WWDC keynote this morning coming down via satellite and plenty of more work to do on the budgets. I hope Michele wins the lotto soon.


4 thoughts on “Grey Day”

  1. Could you let me know what the address or phone number is for that videotheque. Tehy are not listed in the yellow pages

  2. The number for Videotheque is : 626 403 6621 Ask for Mark. He’s the owner, he is very knowlegable about film. Especially French New Wave.

  3. 1005 Mission Street, Suite B [Meridian+Mission] in S. Pasadena
    Just came from there. It’s heaven; where else can one find “Alexander Nevsky” alongside “Jesus Christ: Vampire Hunter”???

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