I’m at my mother’s house doing maintenance on the computers here.
I look into the Program Files and see GAIN. GAIN is Gator Advertising Information Network. Spyware.
Now I need to run the anti-spyware stuff to clean out the computers.
Spyware delenda est.
15 thoughts on “Spyware”
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dude… gator… that is the prominate spyware present on my system… what i tried to get rid of twice. the first time was when you helped me replace the hard drive. the second is why i dont have a pc right now. proceed with caution.
I’ve had pretty good luck with AdAware when fooling around on Windows PCs.
AdAware’s good. At least she didn’t install Banzai Buddy…lol
Spyware is eeeevil! Especially when your 10 year old installs Bonzai Buddy! (Ugh. He got a good lecture for that!) Thank goodness for Adaware!
where do u go to install banzai buddy
i dont know thats what i was going to ask
Well, I had Bonzai Buddy. It was fun to have. Heck, I even payed for the extra material (only once though) But now Spyware has gotten out of control. It must be stopped!
Check out the link provided. Download Spybot: Search and Destroy. Best adware removal tool on the market. Requires some tweaking in order to get the best possible settings as the defaults, imho, were a little bit lacking but for general home use they should be fine.
spybot is a great spyware removal..and free..type spybot in search engine
Where did u download bonzai buddy from
i had it and i cant remember where to get it from
Dude, you dont want bonzai buddy. Its a stupid program thats just a front for spyware.
Well, I will give you my advice, use it as you will… DO NOT DOWNLOAD BONZAI BUDDY!!! I had it downloaded to my pc, and it messed up the whole system, it gave me a bad virus that gave me bad photos and discusting things like that everyday. It had even downloaded evil things on my computer that were so hard to get off, I don’t know how the heck he did it but he did. I know it was because of bonzai buddy, and I am glad I have it deleted from my pc forever!!!
You can ignore me, or listen but from my own experience don’t download the creep.
That Bonzai Buddy needs to have his mother fu%*&@ a$$ kicked. If I had my way with him, I would take a sh!t down his throat!!!!!
I would urge everyone who hates the spyware to do as I do….I find the support address for the offending company or better yet if you can get an internal address for the CEO….and send a hundred or so emails detailing why we hate them….maybe they would get the Idea if we flood there email system so badly it crashes….
Yes, down with Banzai Buddy! Very evil, crashed 2 of my friends brand new computers…evil purple bear looking bugger…..