I got that Smappy feeling

Some people want to know what Smap is. Well, here’s me and some Smap.

As far as I can tell, Smap is both a Japanese Soft Drink and a Japanese pop band. I have not summoned the courage to drink Smap yet, but I will soon and report back.

This is what victory looks like.

That’s my new overnight parking permit that arrived in the mail. I can’t wait to change some other ordinance in South Pas.
In ohter news, Heidi is using the cool little buttons too!


5 thoughts on “I got that Smappy feeling”

  1. I declare Shenanigans! You expect us to believe that’s a can of “Smap?” I found the original photo.
    (yeah, it’s obvious, but you have to do it)

  2. Dude, don’t drink it. My cousin Jeff told me he knew a guy in high school whose brother got “the Smap” real bad one time. You don’t want that.

  3. Don’t Drink It! Smap ™ contains 426% of the daily requirement for caffeine – a substance which you’ve disavowed.
    Instead, send it to me.

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