NetSol Free

As of today, I am free of Network Solutions. Network Solutions is the company that used to run the entire domain name registration system. If you wanted any kind of .com, .net, or .org domain name, it was NetSol that registered them. NetSol did a good job and was a valued part of the internet community for their professionalism.
Back in the earlier days of the internet, there was not a serious business about domain names. There was no resell market and the number of new additions per year was in the thousands. Once the WWW took off, the interest in domain names took off. Suddenly, there was money to be had. Suddenly, the profit motive took over at NetSol and they tried to ‘own’ domain registration forever.
They did all kinds of crazy stuff like claim they owned the database of domain names and owned the right to claim expired domain names for their own use. They fought vehemently against the expansion of domain name registration to multiple registrars.
In simple words, they acted like assholes. Even today they charge three times what other domain registrars do for services and attempt to mislead users from switching away.
Back in 1997, I registered two domain name for myself and Michele. At the time, you basically needed a web host company to do this for you because most mere mortals could not satisfy the requirement for two nameservers in the application. The webhosting company I chose used Network Solutions to register my domain name. At the time, it was no big deal,I was ecstatic to have a domain name.
Fast forward to today and I wanted to make a few changes to Michele’s site and I realized it was still registered at NetSol. After about three days of answering “Yes, I want to transfer my domain” email, I am finally free of Network Solutions.
I currently use, a registar with good tools, good service, and good prices. You can’t complain with a registration price of $8.95 for a domain.
The bad side of things is looking at the list of 14 domains I own and wondering why I could possibly own 14 domains.


6 thoughts on “NetSol Free”

  1. w00t! No more network solutions! I’ve never used them to register a domain name, about the time I started to want one was when they started all their BS. We still use them at work, I need to migrate us away from them.
    Wow, 8.95 a year? Not bad, I thought I got a good deal at 17.95 for our domains. I’ll buy all kinds of domains for that price. =)

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