Sunday Sitting

I’m sitting on the couch with the laptop. Zoe is playing a game on the gamecube and Mira is playing with paper & scissors.
I’m feeling more together today than yesterday. Yesterday, my eyes were bothering me quite a bit and I had to take out my contacts. We went over to the Diggs for Audrey’s 1st birthday party. It was one of the first time I’ve worn my glasses out in public in recent years.
Thanks to the Andersens, we had a bottle of Bushmill’s Irish Whiskey to celebrate S. Patrick’s day with group shots. Between the glasses giving me a headache, the 4 shots of whiskey and the slices of pizza, I was hardly the energetic life of the party.
After we got home and put the kids to bed, I tried to watch some TV. The rain was so intense that the signal from DirecTV was blocked. I went to bed to get some sleep, hoping that the signal would clear up later and Ali G would get Tivoed.
Today I’m feeling better and having fun with the girls. Michele is off to do some knitting thing somewhere. We are watching the Inspector Gadget 2 movie for the 5th time in four days.
We saw the President speak from the Azores. It looks like we will be at war soon. Nothing will convince him to wait on the attack. Everything is in place and ready to move out.
I predict that he will attack tomorrow. Probably around 3PM Pacific. That’s 2 AM in Baghdad. They will launch the attack in the middle of the night.
I hope as few people as possible will die as a result. Unfortunately I fear that many, many people will die.
We need to remember this when it comes time to vote for President in another year. Our President is shredding the Constitution, ignoring America’s problems, and going to war without the support of the American people or the rest of the world. We can do better than this. We need a President who believes in the values in our Constitution, not in the words of chickenhawks looking at the world as a game of Risk.


5 thoughts on “Sunday Sitting”

  1. Most people who oppose the war have no reason other than “war is bad.” I have also heard that evidence Bush is using to determine Iraq’s guilt are not a “good reason” to go to war…. is there ever a good reason to go to war? Why wait longer? Saddam and his regime need to change, he has been giving the UN the run around for a decade, this is not a new problem created by war mongers, this is an old problem that is finally being taken care of…. If you want I would like 5 good reasons on why war with Iraq should not happen… I have yet to get those from anyone opposing what Bush is doing… I agree that his handling of the situation has not been stellar, but the end result is the same and I support that.

  2. This is a president the majority of the people did not vote for. We knew it was going to be bad but we never in our worst imagination thought it would be this bad. Yes he is ruining the environment, yes the stock market has fallen, liberties have been revoked, but war?
    What happened to getting the votes at the UN? Oh yes, I forgot – if he can’t get the votes then suddenly the votes no longer matter.
    Just like Florida.

  3. Actually he did have the majority of votes in Florida… even with the most liberal way of recounting he won by ~250 votes if I remember correctly… The ‘most votes’ doesnt matter thats why the electoral college is around, and it is not the first time someone won an election without the popular vote, its actually quite common throughout history… Blaming the stockmarket on him is just plain silly . Tell me how many personal liberties have you lost that you had 10 years ago? If you want to blame any of these things on anything blame 9-11 and the people who planned that, but if you want I am sure there is some right wing conspiracy on how it was allowed to happen to gain support for Bush so he could then inact his plan of war and destruction…

  4. Just about every poll I’ve seen shows the American people overwhelmingly in favor of using force to disarm Saddam.
    In a few days I hope everyone looks long and hard at the faces of the overjoyed Iraqi people as they enjoy their first real taste of freedom in decades.

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