Test Entry

Test Entry – Please ignore.


14 thoughts on “Test Entry”

  1. this is the first entry i have understood in since you went to that sexwest thing or whatever. okay I understood the stuff about your daughter, but that google mess and other techy geeky engineer stuff. whoosh, right over me head.

  2. you knew of course of all the people that read your page, i would be the one to post to it.
    jen said she almost did, but… look at me comin’ through, breakin the rules. one word…

  3. Mike, you have some of the most unruly readers I’ve ever seen. You really ought to upgrade the class of people you let read this site.

  4. How could anyone ignore this? I wonder how many will be able to resist commenting. Hi Bill.

  5. You know, since they are confused by the techie stuff and all that around here, is it wrong of me to shamelessly beg that you update your index.xml template so that I can see your full posts in my news reader? These excerpts are driving me mad… (which really is a short trip, you know.)

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