On the way to work…

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7 thoughts on “On the way to work…”

  1. haha, I love the way you put it…”ponder how fantastic it would be to have the dvd commentary on a porn flick”. That is great stuff.

  2. I get it. I make a post about porn and everyone ‘cept brave roXet is afraid to post.
    It’s ok, everyone watches porn… You can admit it…

  3. >It’s ok, everyone watches porn… You can admit >it…
    It’s just that I heard so much about it… I tried it once and then my credit card reached its limit.
    I used to enjoy reading the LA Times’ “TV Times” synopses of cable porno movies such as “TANNED FANNIES: Female patron at tanning salon needs pool cleaning boy to help operate tanning machine.”

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