Hump Day

I’ve got an all day meeting on the glories of Media Asset Management. I know, I know, you are all jealous.
Until then, I have something for you, yes, you, the loyal Cruft reader to do.
I check the referrer logs of the site religiously and see that the site gets viewed by many people. Yet, most of you are strangely silent.
A few days ago I read this post about blurkers. In the post she defines blurkers thusly:
Blurker (BLUR-kur): n. 1. One who reads many blogs but leaves no evidence of themselves such as comments behind; a silent observer of blogs. 2. One who reads many blogs but has no blog of their own; a blog-watcher or blog voyeur.
I fear this describes many of you. Today, your job is to raise your hand and say hello and emerge from blurkerhood.
Click on the Comments link below and post answers to these three questions.
1) What is your name?
2) What is your quest?
3) What is your favorite color?
Special bonus question: What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
I expect plenty of answers when I check the weblog tonight.
Don’t make me post your IP addresses…


26 thoughts on “Hump Day”

  1. 1) Eddie Williams
    2) Excitement, Adventure, and Really Wild Things. Standard fair, really.
    3) Green
    Bouns: 42. The units are left as an exercise for the reader (and are dependent upon the country of orgin of the swallow in question).

  2. I am Patrick! I wish to become the most popular man in the Universe! My favorite color is Red, no, Blue! Are you referring to an African Swallow or a European Swallow?

  3. I’m Jason. I do have a blog of my own and I do occasionally comment on here.
    My favorite color is black I fear.
    My quest is to be a freelance hacker and the greatest swordfighter in the world.

  4. 1) Jessica (gesikah, get it)
    2) To NOT become my grandmother. To teach roXet the CORRECT way to put away towels. :-p
    side note) Am also wife of roXet.
    3) hmmmmm. blue probably.
    Bonus) Had this sparrow at any time carried a cocoanut?

  5. 1)paulie-log
    2)To loose myself in “the glories of Media Asset Management.” (really – I know, kinda sad)
    3)hmm – today i like purple
    Question: has the swallow consumed any of those Jack Daniels/Coke slammers?

  6. 1) Keith
    2) To rot the minds of countless American youth by flooding American television with extremely flashy but totally pointless graphics, use the word ‘word’ and ‘and’ a lot, ban Ritalin consumption, promote more cool geeks to host TV shows (e.g. Alton Brown on Good Eats)
    3) Pantone Process 5-1 CVS (It’s a kinda mustard yellow but not quite yellow and not quite mustard.)
    I’m one of those people who have a blog, but don’t tell anyone about it.

  7. Interesting observation:
    Readers of cruftbox say they like various colors but many use gray as a major factor in designing their own sites.

  8. I use gray on my blog because I’m a boring person. I also have no artistic talent and just ripped the color scheme from a Mozilla skin.
    My old blog used what I refer to as my “night club” template. All black with orange text and purple boxes. Horrible. (viewable at

  9. Gray was a overall branding costs decision. It’s cheaper to have black/gray/white business cards and letter heads printed than a full bleed 3 tone card, and to maintain a consistant look for the brand I kept the site gray as well. This bla bla bla bla…..
    (Ok ok, I was lazy and didn’t want to come up with a good color scheme for my site. My other sites have orange added to gray!)
    Plus gray is the new black this year!

  10. 1. My name is Judi.
    2. My quest is to be a force for Good and Love in this world. Really!
    3. My favorite colors are red and green. Can’t choose one.
    4. Air speed of a swallow? I was never good at math.
    Blog: I have a blog, but I haven’t told anyone it is up yet, because I am having trouble posting things and I want a flashier page. However, Matt will soon have XP installed in his new computer, and promices that he will help me from DC soon.

  11. my name is mary…
    i am a cousin who has known of you all of your life and checking in here helps keep me aware of part of my sicilian family and it would make granny proud

  12. 1. Brad
    2. To avoid day-long MAM meetings, such as the one I sat in all day yesterday.
    3. It’s not a question of where it grips it – it’s a simple matter of weight ratios. Green.

  13. 1) Jason Pugh
    2) Girls Gone Wild: Doggie Style
    3) Blue
    Doesn’t matter. I believe the swallow was consumed as part of the turducken.

  14. 1) Logan
    2) To create the best comics I can.
    3) Black.
    African or European?
    I don’t have a Blog, but I do post a weekly rant on the front page of my webcomic, KU-2. Does that count?

  15. 1.) Rich. I plead guilty to the charge of Blurking in the first degree. It’s not that I fear the light of day; I just don’t think I have much to say that would be of interest to your audience.
    2.) To find the universal question that corresponds to the universal answer “42”. (Any Douglas Adams fans out there?)Actually, I think the question may have something to do with Media Asset Management. Believe me, you and Brad have NOT cornered the market on MAM meetings.
    3.) Black and white. Everything else is just a fad.

  16. For Rich: I have no clue what you are talking about regarding MAM, but I do know that you have found the answer to the Universe.

  17. 1. the watergirl
    2. my quest is to become a successful singer/songwriter. the path is long.
    3. i usually list my favorite color as “aquamarine” … but really, blue is fine. i also like: grey, silver, green.
    bonus: is it an african or a european swallow?
    i’m referred from crookdimwit and visit once in awhile, but this is the first time i’ve commented here. and i *do* have a blog. oh well. blurker no more …;)

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