Howdy readers. I’ve neglected the weblog for a few days. Real life does tend to take priority. Over the weekend I often thought about things to post, but I didn’t take the time to post.
On Saturday we prepped for the Superbowl party and got to repair the deck step that got broken at the last party. I enjoyed the task of drilling into masonry and using lead anchors to mount the replacement step. Tools = fun.
Michele and I agreed to take a break from throwing parties for bit. Since Christmas Eve, one month, we had thrown 4 parties (Christmas Eve, New Year’s Eve, Zoe’s Birthday, and Superbowl Sunday) and helped run a geocaching picnic. Whew…
Sunday, before the party, Michele told me to go get a haircut. She made the arrangments for me to go to a ‘men’s salon’ in the nearby Paseo mall. Whatever. I walk in and say, “I’m Mike and I’m here for my haircut”. The lady greets me and hands me a clipboard. Linda like a new patient at the doctor’s office. She asks me to fill it out. There are questions like ‘What types of salons have you previously visited?’ Types of salons? WTF?!? ‘What products do you use in your hair?’ I put in the stupid goop that Michele buys for me somewhere. Who knows what the name is? I tell her I’m almost out of hair goop, and somehow by magic, new goop appears. Sometimes it changes a bit, but she assures me it’s the same thing.
The one good thing about the haircut is that they put a hot towel on my face. Boy o boy, that feels good.
Soon enough I was back in party mode. The highlight of the party was the turducken. Here’s the story of the turducken for you to enjoy.
Today I had to deal with the effect of the Sapphire/Slammer SQL worm at the company. I got the call at 7AM that all company systems were down.
ALL. SYSTEMS. DOWN. A fargin nightmare…
I’ll go into that fun later. Time for sleep now.
One thought on “Groove”
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Don’t feel bad. Even Microsoft didn’t protect themselves from Slammer… and they not only knew the patch was out there since, what, June, but THEY put it out there. 😐
What Microsoft needs to do is enter contract negotiations with someone like McAfee, study the code, then break off negotiations.
Then they can integrate Virus checking into Windows. If there are any problems, they can call the same lawyers they used against Stacker.
And if they’re really unlucky, maybe they’ll have to pay pennance by donating a bunch of software to schools in an attempt to bust into one of the main sectors they don’t already dominate.
Sorry, that turned into such an anti-MS tirade. I’m in a foul mood.