The Good Fairies of New York

The Good Fairies of New York – Martin Millar
My wife, Michele, read this book and told me, “It’s great, just read it.” And so I did.
She’s right, the book is fantastic.
A touch of fantasy, a big dose of New York City, a dash of Scotland, a healthy portion of Vonnegut, and just enough rock ‘n roll for taste and you’ve got a fun book. Nothing heavy here, just a light read that will leave you laughing as you turn the page.
I’m usually more of a hard SF reader, but this book was a good diversion on my last trip to London. The story of the fairies and their (mis)adventures left me wanting more. Unfortunately, there is no sequel or follow-up novel, but I (and many other fans) would love it.
The author, Martin Millar, blogs and has a nice site for fans. So instead of the next self-help or pop culture bestseller, check out the fairies.
