There has been some debate in Cruft Manor about the appropriateness of Adult Swim cartoons for the girls. For a while we were watching Futurama, but now it is once again disallowed.
Tonight Zoe and I watched the end of a show around 9PM when the following scene took place:
hoping to see the talking french fries, ’cause talking french fries are funny.
… and let’s seen what happens when we blow this nun’s brains out with a shotgun …
Um, I guess that Adult Swim really isn’t for kids…
Ha-ha-ha-ha! They said “blow this nun’s brains out”! Ha-ha-ha-ha!
Your mother is going to be so mad at me.
Ha-ha-ha-ha! They said “blow this nun’s brains out”! Ha-ha-ha-ha!
(attempting not to laugh)
Lesson: Do not switch to Adult Swim while children are present.
It’s amazing how the fun-loving girl you married becomes The Moralist when there’s kids.
My wife didn’t even want me watching The Simpsons when our daughter was little.
AdultSwim will melt faces.
You’re not being fair… The narrator is explaining that it is inappropriate to show gore to children on TV. So the second time they blow the nun’s head off, a rainbow comes out of her neck. (I’m not making that up.) Children love rainbows. Ergo, good for kids.
If “AdultSwim” = (by definition) “Not for Children” then what is your %#&!#? problem?
That’s why The Gods Of TV gave us Boomerang!
haha, I know what you mean. My good friends accidnetally left the tv in their kids’ room on cartoon network one night. They didn’t realize it until their oldest daughter got up to tell her dad that “she didn’t like that show with the talking baby” and she wanted him to come and change the channel, NOW>
“See, kids love pizza, and they love squalor.” – Master Shake
ATHF > all
Ya, I know all about those eyeball flames. They are very useful. And, we too have had to discontinue watching certain shows because of the kiddos. Our TiVo is almost exclusively Disney shows, Dora and SesameStreet. What do you watch when your kids are too old for these shows, but too young for adult shows?