Last week the signs went up on my street that said “No Parking” “Tow-away” “We’re fargin’ serious and we got backhoes“.
I had known that something was going to be dug up since the USA guys had been out writing on the street, identifying the underground lines.
Sure enough, they came and this was the scene in front of the house next door.
Yep, they are running fiber optic cable to my street. And the main junction box is about 50 feet from my front door!
Fiber to the home baby!
I talked to the guys doing the work and they says it’s a telco, probably Verizon that has contracted them to do the install. I’m guessing that within 6 months or so, it will be lit up.
For those not so tech saavy, fiber to the home is a new kind of data connection like a cable modem or DSL, except the speeds are much higher. The expected minimums for fiber are 15 Mb/s download and 2 Mb/s upload. That’s TEN times faster than the typical DSL line.
That is some extremely fast pr0n.
So if Verizon is provisioning it, which ISPs will offer the service? And how much would that cost?
Or is it the kind of thing that cable companies would offer and then provide video and internet over the same “wire”?
I read about this on Slashdot. It’s definately Verizon and the rates are pretty darn good starting at just $35 a month.
Read all about it here:'s+fiber+race+is+on/2100-1034_3-5275171.html
I remember a few years ago when the cable guys were installing my cable modem I mentioned fiber to the home and they laughed and looked at me like I was crazy. Now who is crazy, eh?
The company I work at is deploying (will be soon) fiber to the home. The system we use can give up to 40Mb synchronous for data, plus IPTV and phone service all over one fiber. We can also push analog cable to the house over the fiber and you dont’ even need a set top box.
It’s really cool stuff, oh and btw, I may have it before you do. =)
Fiber to YOUR home IS crazy, Bribo. Metamucil is the only way you’re getting Fiber into your home before 2010.
> Metamucil is the only way you’re getting Fiber into your home before 2010.
Oh, you’re funny all right.
Wow! That’s faster than T1, for only 35$/month? That’s basically how much my dsl services cost, with only 650 kb/sec dl and 330 lb/sec upload.