Thought for the day

The Americans will always do the right thing… After they’ve exhausted all the alternatives.
– Winston Churchill
Looks like we’ve got four more years of alternatives…
Chin up people, we will make it through this.


9 thoughts on “Thought for the day”

  1. This was only one battle that we may have lost.
    Many are committed to continue the fight to win back our country.
    Today, I received numerous calls and e-mail messages of support. Everyone is doing their best now. The positive energy is amazing.
    Remember, that if it were not for you and your brother’s support, at the time I had lost hope, I would be a different woman than I am at this moment.
    You are making a difference right now Mike.
    I am a proud mother.

  2. Oh, and by the way:
    Hillary is not going to be the next candidate
    no matter how well qualified she may be.
    Too many people have already decided they just don’t like her.
    She refuses, and rightly so, to stay in the background.
    Her voice is important.
    But for Bribo. You won’t have Hillary Clinton to support or kick arround as the next Democratic Candidate for President. But she will continue to be a voice for reason.

  3. This election has been a terrible travesty. The majority of Americans just don’t get it. We can finger point all we like at the Democrat campaign but it doesn’t matter. The ignorant majority has dragged down the rest of us as usual. We cannot fragment at a time like this though – you’re right – chin up.

  4. > The majority of Americans just don’t get it.
    Or you could look it as “The majority of Americans DO indeed GET IT!” 🙂

  5. Perhaps the “ignorant majority” would be a bit more inclined to hang their heads in shame if the poster had the courage of conviction to identify her/hisself. Criticize, disagree, complain all you like. Just don’t be a coward about it.
    No, I did not vote for Bush, and I don’t think it is going to be a great 4 years. I’m not sure it would have been a great 4 years with Kerry at the helm, either.

  6. Bribo, I think it would be more accurate to say that 51% of the population (~59 mil) in the “get” something and the other 48% (~56 mil) “get” something else. I think that’s too slim of a margin to get all rightous about.
    There will be no unification or healing these next 4 years.

  7. Not getting righteous. Just responding to the comments that the majority of Americans “just don’t get it”. It’s quite possible that they do indeed get it.
    We may be divided but there are many things we can agree on. We all love this country. We all love our families and our friends. We all want to protect them. We all want to live free productive lives and contribute to society.
    It’s best attaining these goals. There’s the rub.

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