Dinner at a Chinese Wedding

Dinner at a Chinese Wedding, originally uploaded by Argyle.

Here is a shot of the dinner we had last night at Cousin Ming & his new wife Lilly’s wedding reception. Click on the picture and you can see what everything is at the table.

Yes, I ate everything that was put in front of me.


4 thoughts on “Dinner at a Chinese Wedding”

  1. Looks very much like the meals we had when I was in China last year. We had asked our guides to take us to the restaurants where the locals eat and avoid the tourist spots. I remember that the food was mostly fabulous, but the whole fish bodies with the mouths propped open usually freaked out the kids. That and the whole chopped chicken that included the head on the plate. Talk about gross! We cover the head with a tea cup and would play peakaboo with it when someone wasn’t looking or put it in front of their plate waiting for them to flip the cup over to have tea. We had some classic scared shitless reactions.

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