Bud Light + Clamato = Chelada?

Yesterday, Michele and I made a run to the local 7-Eleven, her for a soda, me for a Slurpee. I’m always on the lookout for new products and I spied a case of Bud Light + Clamato. Of course, I bought a can to bring home to Cruft Labs. Tonight, after dinner, we tried it.

You didn’t believe me, did you. Sure enough, the wizards at Anheuser Busch have concocted a real doozy here. Now, I’ve heard of a chelada before, but I understood it as beer with lime & salt. Anheuser Busch seems to have a different opinion.

Clamato really is what it sounds like, tomato juice + clam broth. Personally, I’ve never liked it. Then again, I don’t like tomato juice or Bloody Mary’s either. Michele does like Clamato though.

The color of the Bud Chelada is light orange with just a minimal amount of head when it’s poured. There is a slight salty smell and a stronger vegetable smell on the nose.
I took a good sized swig and that was enough for me. The strong salt taste with the mild carbonation is just too nasty for me. The guy at 7-Eleven said it was selling well, but I can’t understand why.
Michele didn’t like it either and she’s a person that likes light beer and even already drinks Clamato.

You have to give it to Anheuser Busch, they are really trying new things to see what sticks. But I’m not sure that shellfish is what I want in my beer.


    40 thoughts on “Bud Light + Clamato = Chelada?”

    1. I have been known to enjoy a “red beer” – pretty much any lager mixed 60-40 or so with Bloody Mary mix – but that sounds really gross.
      And the color? Gack.

    2. This is quite possibly the most vile concoction I’ve ever heard of. What were they thinking?

    3. I actually got turned on to Cheladas a few weeks ago after reading an article in GQ about the most refreshing drink available.
      The receipe they used involved a dark beer (they sugessted Negra Modelo) with the juice of two limes in a ice filled, salt rimmed glass. I have to say it is a lot more refreshing than a regular beer.
      As you can see though, no mention of a) Tomato or b) clams!
      To mix it up a bit, you can also make a Michelada, just add a few dahes of Tabasco and Worcestershire sauce!

    4. Guys:
      Here’s my POV: Note that there will be foam when you pour it correctly – in the center of the glass – note that the glass should not be washed with dishwashing detergent, that kills the foam! Learned that in Germany – they should know! Any beer poured from tab there takes 7 minutes before it is served for the foam to settle.
      Then, I am sure the clam broth is just part of what gives it the kick – I like it a lot, actually – I add lime and throw in Tequila – I guess it kind’a grows on you!
      It’s different – so that’s what I like about it.

    5. My grandmother used to drink Clamato. I think it was a generational thing. Given the healthy dose of Spanish on this can it may be a national thing as well. 😛

    6. This type of drink is made all over Mexico. This will be extremely popular with mexican americans and abroad, too.

    7. WOW…….its funny how Im reading these comments as Im drinking a nice cold Chelada hahaha……Its great…the inventor is a darn genius.
      Cheers people!!!!!

    8. Ugh, that looks and sounds disgusting! I doubt I’ll be seeing that on the shelves here in Alabama anytime soon.

    9. I think only us mexicans will like this since bud or budweiser with v8 or clamato is a popular hangover cure or just regular alcoholic beverage of choice. I just found these Thursday night when I made a beer run at a 7-11.

    10. Look, you either are going to love Clamato or hate it. I’ve always liked Clamato and have mixed it myself with beer for years. The Imperial and Coachella Valley’s were the actual testing area’s for these Chelada’s, and they were flying off the shelves. I’d have to go to two or three mini-marts, because they were always out. Makes sense, because these Valley’s are near the Mexican border. This is a Mexican concocted drink. Yes I’ve had better ‘Chavelas’ at local bars, but for something quick out of a can, they mixed it pretty decently. They now sell these by the case at the local COSTCO.

    11. my friend drank clamato and his beer about 5 years ago. i thought it would be gross. since i hate v8. but then i found out that v8 was dif then clamato. since it had the clam broth lol. dumb me. clamato i like. so when this came out. i tried it. so good. specially on a hot day. but id have to agree. drinking one while reading all the comments is great. p.s. he said me learned to drink it from his step dad and his friend *mexican immigrants*

    12. im from the San Joaquin Valley. so they are alot of hispanice and mexican ppl. its sells good. even non mexican ppl love it. i think its a keeper.

    13. It is the beer of beers. It is the reason why I live! If you are a clamato addict is is the answer to your prayers. Try it! OOOOOOOOOHHHHH!

    14. We drink micheladas which we make using beer, tomato juice, worcestershire, tobasco, celery salt, black pepper & a squeeze of lime. Basically, it’s just a bloody mary with beer instead of vodka. I don’t like clamato juice, so I don’t think I would drink this. But, micheladas are a nice hangover cure & an excellent summer beverage!

    15. I first tried it a month ago and about 85% of all beers I have been drinking since then have been Cheladas. Love it! A stroke of Budweiser genius.

    16. Wow, is this in the NY area yet?
      I’ve been mixing Corona’s + Clamato for years. I love it but I couldn’t imagine the taste being that it’s a Bud Light.. something to try this Sunday.

    17. I regularly served draft beer with a small side of clamato when I worked at a bar about 10 years ago in Northern Ontario.

    18. the new bud light chelada is probably the worst drink ever made. i should have known… i saw it in the fridge at the liquor store and asked the guy working the counter what exactly clamato meant. He barely spoke english and told me it was tomato juice and i brushed him off figuring he didnt know what the hell he was talking about. I bought a tall can took a sip and as gross as it was i couldnt help laughing. GROSSEST shit EVER, don’t buy it, they don’t advertise it, there’s a reason for that. No where on the can does it say Tomato in english. BARF, i’m sure you could drink this in the gym on the treadmill and they’d allow it. FILTHY, stupidest idea ever!! The only thing this drink is good for is putting it in a beer bong and tricking a friend.

    19. I was on vacation with my girlfriend in California and went to the 7eleven for (my favorite beer) Sol and we spotted Bud Light’s Chelada and I thought it was the most delicious thing in the world. I too am used to Micheladas and Cheladas so this made it easier for me, I don’t have to buy the clamato and mix it, all I need is limon and that’s it. I think it is a Mexican thing. We came back home to NM and no Chelada! I am still waiting for it to come here, I miss it, I’ve thought of driving somewhere in CA just to pick some up.

    20. here in CA they sell this at all the carnicerias, liquor stores, taquerias, and groceries. it’s pretty popular actually, especially among mexican-americans. my friend jaime explains to me that this sort of drink is already very popular in mexico.

    21. I just saw it at the corner store and HAD to try it just to see how bad it was. Oh man it was baaaaad. But yet I can see what they were trying to do, it just didn’t work.

    22. Amen to the dude in cali. Budweiser isn’t even a good beer, anyone who likes this Bud Chelada has issues and should be arrested immediately.

    23. Hey Zecke,
      When you were in Germany and they told you not to use dishwashing detergent, they should have also told you not to add CLAM JUICE!!! Are you kidding me!?! You sounded like a real beer snob for a second untill you added 1- clam juice 2- tomato juice 3-salt 4- lime 5- tequila. Just throw in the a few anchovies and you might finally be able to drown out the taste of the bud light.

    24. I love “chelada” style beers. There are two distinct type of “cheladas” that are popular in the Latin culture. The first involves a berr with a large quantity of lime combo with a touch of salt mentioned numerous times. The second combines beer clamato along with a salt and lime seasoned to taste. A local Cuban establishment calls the latter “Bay of
      Pigs.” Either way, when ordering one make sure you inquire before purchasing.


    26. I Love it and can’t find it in AZ.
      My husband and I vacationed in Ca. and stumbled across it at the 7 11. We enjoy red beers and Bloody Marys though. So read the can if you do’t usually like Clamato you probably wont like Chelada

    27. THIS IS AN AWESOME Beverage!!!! For those of us who are part of the culture we can understand why the combination. I give it two thumbs up! Now if they would only make it available where I live.

    28. I love this frickin’ beer. I can’t get enough. Only problem is with the marketing through placement. In other words, they are only available in the ghetto here in the bay area. But its so good that its worth the potential mugging.

    29. They put a ‘red beer’ in a can! What a genius idea. I have been drinking red beers for years – I usually use spicy V8 instead of clamato. You mix about half and half and there is nothing better!!

    30. I tried a sample of the new clamato beer yesterday at a bar in Omaha and thought it was really good. I had already been mixing clamato w/my beer for a while now and will buy it when it comes to stores in Omaha and Council Bluffs around Labor Day.

    31. This is Willy Wonka’s verison of a great beer… and he would be correct! It’s perfect. Kind of like a beer and enchilada all in one.

    32. I LOVE the Beer. If you EVER go to the New Mexico and live down here, you’ll know that WE DRINK like fish! Mexicans, Indians, and YES, WHITE people too. If you did anykind of research you would know that New Mexicans have always put clamato in their beer with a hint of lime. It’s funny how IGNORANT one can be without knowing the New Mexican culture.

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