Why is it boring?

On occasion, I get email via this weblog that is a bit outside the normal email.
Yesterday I received this:

That’s it, a four word question.
Leslie, I will do my best to answer.
It is boring because you know the main characters will win in the end.
It is boring because you are not in love.
It is boring because you didn’t study.
It is boring because you touch yourself.
It is boring because you didn’t see the first episode.
It is boring because they used the three act structure.
It is boring because it is not bedazzled.
It is boring because it does not have chili powder on it.
It is boring because you are too young.
It is boring because you are too old.
It is boring because you are tired.
It is boring because you are not doing what you love.


2 thoughts on “Why is it boring?”

  1. So wait a minute… You’re telling me that if I stop touching myself when reading Cruftbox, it will be more interesting? (electric smokers really get me going.)
    I guess it will be safe to visit from work from now on.

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