The new year is underway and I hope you all make the most of it.
I finished up 2006 with a few fun things.
On Saturday, Zoe and I went to play some Dungeons & Dragons at a neighbor’s house. I had forgotten how long it can take to get though even a few encounters.
Zoe had a good time and I think it may become a regular activity to keep the campaign moving along. We only got through making characters and two fights before having to call it quits for the day.
Why did we quit? Well, we had to go work on the South Pasadena Rose Parade Float. South Pas is one of the only communities that still builds thier own float with volunteer effort.
From lunch to dinner, we helped “pick”, meaning sitting at tables preparing the flowers to be glued and stuck onto the float. Endless bundles of carnations and roses passed through our hands.
Another whole crew was dedicated to the work on the float. Next year we’re likely to spend even more time helping.
Oh no. Not another person who believes that by setting all their dice with the largest number up the molecules will settle into the bottom making the dice heavier and resulting in more high rolls (in this case 6s). Also, do you really need to differentiate between a 6 and a 9 on a six-sided?
ah…the hours and days and years I whiled away playing that (and other similar) games with other like-minded folk (same bunch I learned early programming with)…
I even got a chance to be the first (really!) DM for a GameCon that took a few (too many) years to catch on, GenCon South (not the original!) the first convention was held in Sumter SC (near the military base for maximum turnout)…later I hear it was moved to Florida (somewhere)…
I even worked for a bit in Charlotte (from 79-81) helping to run a full scale “club” (alcohol, food, games) called the Divan where I was PAID to DM D&D games to members who PAID to play….!
Ah…old glorious times….the groupies…the beer…
That DM screen, and the minatures took me back really fast…
(But never again…I swore off the game – took too much time out of ones life….I had a real life I wanted to run….)
This reminds me of home. *sigh*