The Battle Continues

At work, I’ve been engaged in a battle with an unknown opponent.
For years, the situation in the stall in the bathroom has been fine, with everything in order. Recently, I noticed the that toilet paper was hung incorrectly and had to fix it.
It’s a small issue, but an important one. Toilet paper should always be placed in the ‘over’ orientation.

I hear stories of people that prefer the ‘under’ configuration, but they are mislead.
All last week, I continued to flip the paper to correct orientation. Everytime I returned, the enemy had flipped it back to ‘under’. At least it gave me something to do while sitting there.
My nemesis seems dedicated, which I respect, but I will be victorious.


14 thoughts on “The Battle Continues”

  1. I remember when I was younger, seeing one of those ultra-simplified infographic charts in USAToday about just this topic. The breakdown of voters was 33% over, 33% under, and 33% don’t care. Always remembered it for some reason…

  2. I completely agree with you Mr. Mike but there is one situation where the reverse is true and “Under” is the correct method… a house with toddlers in it. Toddlers have a tendency to enjoy the endless roll of TP as they spin it off the wall. Placing the roll in the “under” configuration makes that game much less fun for currious hands.

  3. I’m sorry, but you will not win the fight. It’s like an argument on politics…
    For example, I know of a couple, married for 25+ years, 3 children, and the constant argument about how the roll should be placed. About 10 years ago, they put in a second roll holder, and the arguments still continued….
    I don’t understand how anyone would think underneath is at all functional, helpful or even aesthetically pleasing, but they do. Takes all kinds I guess…

  4. OVER is the only way to go. My wife sees no difference and 50% of the time will hang it in the “under” position so I will need to make the switch to the appropriate configuration. That’s when I can get her to hang the new roll at all and not leave it resting on the window sill.

  5. ….can’t………………….. stop ………………………………………..laughing……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

  6. I demand a Poop-Off then. I submit that the under configuration does a better job that the over configuration at the task of wiping your butt.

  7. Over is the way; you can grab the end of the roll so much more easily.
    Have you ever stuck the end of the TP into the commode and flushed? That is so cool!

  8. Have you ever thought you could be FTW against some unsuspecting janitor who is just trying to do their job??

  9. So all we must do to keep nudging you down the path to madness is keep flipping the rolls?
    So be it.

  10. Of course “over” is the correct way. For a while now I have started folding the first sheet on a roll like they do in fancy hotels. Like a triangle shape. I don’t do it at home, just any time I use the restroom somewhere else. I’m sure it really boggles the mind of the next person to use it…”How in the hell did…wtf, who did this?”
    If you read this, you should try doing it to friends at their house.

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