The sand… it never stops… it just keeps falling, and falling… must divert paths…
When I close my eyes I see falling salt, sand, oil and water…
I really love this game. If they ramped up the physics, collision detection and added some more dynamics, it could be great. Runs too slow in java. There is a stand alone version that doesnt have oil, fire, wax etc, but it runs at hundreds of frames per second and looks more like falling sand.
where is this stand alone version that has no oil, fire ect…? I know of a stand alone version that is just the basic game. and if anyone knows where to get Hell of Sand as a standalone, please tell me or E-mail me.
The sand… it never stops… it just keeps falling, and falling… must divert paths…
When I close my eyes I see falling salt, sand, oil and water…
I really love this game. If they ramped up the physics, collision detection and added some more dynamics, it could be great. Runs too slow in java. There is a stand alone version that doesnt have oil, fire, wax etc, but it runs at hundreds of frames per second and looks more like falling sand.
An updated version of the game called Hell of Sand can be found
where is this stand alone version that has no oil, fire ect…?
I know of a stand alone version that is just the basic game.
and if anyone knows where to get Hell of Sand as a standalone, please tell me or E-mail me.
HOLY tihs Everyone bow down to the falling sand