Winter at the Zoo

On Saturday, I took the girls to the Los Angeles Zoo. They had four reindeer on display that we wanted to see and there was a discount on the family membership.
We saw all kinds of good stuff like the tiger cubs playing with their mother, the monkeys swinging around, and almost every other exhibit in the place. We forgot the Koala exhibit, but we’ll catch it next time.
Starbucks was sponsoring some of the winter activities and giving away free coffee. As we were leaving the Zoo, there was a barista with a special coffee dispensing backpack. It was truly impressive with a cup dispenser and spigot on a hose connected to large coffee tanks on his back.

I need to find a way to borrow one of these. I’d love to wander the halls at the office dispensing coffee from a special backpack.


    6 thoughts on “Winter at the Zoo”

    1. Your LA Zoo membership is reciprocal with the Kansas City Zoo so when you come here we can all go together.
      The wallabies are wandering about in the open — kind of like peacocks, only furry.

    2. There used to be a guy like this (not affiliated with Starbucks) that stood at the entrance to the Lincoln Tunnel in New York City. He would sell coffee to people in their cars as they waited in line to enter the tunnel.

    3. A long time ago in a ski area far far away they had a guy with one of those getups selling hot chocolate.
      I think if this were done for profit, a crackin business could be made at local playgrounds in my area on weekends. Can you make a latte with one of those?

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