Weirdest eBay delivery evar…

Tonight at 10:48PM local time, the doorbell rang. The porch light was off and the dog went bananas.
I opened the door and saw a young man with a package.
He said “I have package for Michael Pusateri.”
I said, “That’s me.”
He handed me the package and walked away without another word.
I bought some software last week on eBay. Adobe Photoshop Elements 4.0 & Premiere 2.0 in a retail box. It turns out that the guy hand delivered my software.
I’m sure the kid was thinking “I’ll save some time & money and drop it off.” and I was thinking “Where is my bat?”
I’m not sure what to leave as feedback on eBay. I was thinking “Fast delivery, but scared the shit out of me.”
What do you suggest?


5 thoughts on “Weirdest eBay delivery evar…”

  1. Yeah, I think that would be some stellar feedback for the guy. Either that or, “Good ebayer. Next time tell me you are delivering late at night so you don’t accidentally get shot. A ++++”. heh.

  2. Reminds me of PG Wodehouse who would write a letter and chuck it out of his second-floor window. He would never post it. Some good Samaritan would pick it up and deliver it. Most of the time it was faster than the Royal Mail.

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