Need a monitor – askflickr

Need a monitor – askflickr, originally uploaded by Argyle.

This is the computer in our kitchen. It is a hacked Virgin computer from the dot-boom era.
It’s slowing dying and I plan to replace it. The computer is easy to build, but a simple 10″ LCD monitor is tough to find.
15″ LCDs are easy to find, but 10″ LCDs are quite hard to find for a reasonable ( <$200 ) price. Any suggestions?


6 thoughts on “Need a monitor – askflickr”

  1. I had a similar problem to this… Turns out there are two kinds of interference from other electrical devices, electrical and magnetic. Electrical is always there whether the device is on or not, but can be shielded. Magnetic only crops up when the device is on, but is very difficult to shield.
    In the US, because you have DC, a strong magnetic field can cause discolouration in the monitor. Kitchens are one of the worst rooms in the house for magnetic fields. Try the monitor in a different room, or at a friends house and see if that fixes it. Like you said, it could just be a dying monitor.
    Here in Australia, because we have AC, we get screen flicker instead of discolouration. I recently had this problem in 2/3 of my last apartment. Turns out I had major powerlines running through my concrete floor (the mains were supplying our building and two other buildings). Massive magnetic field, strong enough to be worried about it (turns out there is some link between long term exposure to strong magnetic fields and childhood leukemia). I have kids, so I moved out straight away.
    Of course, magnetic fields only affect CRT monitors. An LCD screen will be okay.

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