Recent events on the internet, like the trouble Jason Kottke has had with Sony, point to the need for a way for webloggers in the cross-hairs of well financed companies to defend themselves in the courtroom. The freedoms of speech and the press are fundamental to America and must be fought for over and over
Jeff Jarvis called for a Blogger Legal Defense Society and others seem to agree
I’d like to help, but IANAL (I am not a lawyer) and IANAWD (I am not a web designer). What I can do is host a web site and cover the costs of it. As a result I registered (Weblogger Legal Defense Fund) and set up the hosting for it as well.
Pease go take a look at
5 thoughts on “Weblogger Legal Defense Fund”
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Very cool. Hopefully, I’ll never have to use it. 🙂
What happens if Disney gets involved in some lawsuit against a blogger?
I say screw Jason Kottke. I’m tired of people ruining reality TV by hunting down any spoiler they can get and spreading it all over the internet. Then they duck behind the Constitution and get called “journalists”. There’s a difference between having rights, and being right. Shut up and let me enjoy my shows.
Michael, I would love to help out with this. I’m not too bad a web design, and I’m willing to take a more active roll in it than that even. It would be great to have a fund like this modeled after the ACLU or EFF. This is something that I was talking with Joi about a couple of months ago.
Anyways, let me know if you want me to help out. Maybe once finals and the holidays are over I will sit down and make some site design, show you what I have in mind.
Weblogger Legal Defense Fund
Randy: The blogosphere is empowering. Bloggers must realize this, stand up and use that power effectively.
Sony and Kottke
About a few months back in September, Jason Kottke posted information about Ken Jennings’ loss on Jeopardy, and on the 28th of November he posted an audio clip of Ken Jennings’ loss (of which the episode aired two days later). Sony contacted him and …