Took a hit

This morning, we took a power hit in the house. Clocks reset, the lights flickered, the Tivo stayed up, but one computer horked up.
The media server wouldn’t reboot after the power hit. Ruh roh. The media server that I’ve been meaning to back up for months now, but never got around to…
After several computers attempting to boot it, the drive is unresponsive.

I’m afraid it’s dead. On it is our entire CD collection ripped to MP3.
Our entire 500+ album MP3 collection gone. Gone.
Maybe I can teach my daughters to rip CDs…


8 thoughts on “Took a hit”

  1. Hey, I’ve resurrected data from drives myself, but only if you have an identical drive. Chances are the electrics are fried and the actual drive spindle is OK. Just beware, there is actually a chip right near the drive heads which could be fried (I happen to work for a company that makes those chips). If you have an identical drive you can take the electronics card from the good drive and put it on the fried drive and get your data….

  2. The same thing happened to my MP3 collection last year. Devastating, isn’t it? I still haven’t started to rebuild. (Not without a RAID or solid backup plan!)

  3. Don’r throw away that drive. There are a number of data recovery companies out there that can get your data back. Call someone like this – – and see how much they would charge for a single drive. Might save you a lot of time and hassle.

  4. Dear Fellow Murkin,
    Heard your internet broke. Lucky for you I got more. My administration will not rest until every draft-age Murkin has an internet. It’s hard work, but we will do what it takes. Cuz that’s what a leader does. He give internets.
    May God continue to bless y’all.

  5. Feeling your pain. Been there…..more than once. 300+ album’s. Hope you can get yours back.

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