Today is my thirty seventh birthday.
37 is one of those special prime number birthdays, I’m taking the day off to have fun instead of going into work. I don’t get another prime number birthday until four years from now, so I better enjoy this one.
To my friends and family, I thank you. It’s been a wonderful 37 years.
I do wish my body was 17 again though. I don’t like that my body makes funny creaking and popping sounds now.
Welcome to the 37-club. Fortunately, I’ve always had the creaking popping noises. It’s the aching-sore feelings that disturb me the most. I’ve recently started running again and am discovering new muscle and joint pain I never knew existed. 🙁
damn, i was gonna flank you with my knowledge of your birthday… but you broadcast it, so now my birthday wishes for you only come across as a guy who reads your blog.
i should’ve called at midnight.
dang, I passed you already.
Happy B-Day
Does Disney throw big parties for birthdays? Especially prime numbers?
Maybe Mickey brings a cake over?
happy birthday Mike!
Happy Birthday, dude! If you were Laurence Fishburne we could call you Morpheus Prime this year! Just think of the possibilities! And I’ve ended every sentence with an exclamation! So Happy Birthday!
Pffffft… Youngster!
Kids these days…whining about their prime-number birthdays. 😛
Have a happy one…
To celebrate, you should watch some Optimus Prime in Prime Time eating Prime Rib.
Got nothing.
Happy birthday, young fella! My buddy’s wife turns 37 today, too. She was born in Guam. Where were you born?
Happy Birthday! I just turned 30, so I don’t know whether I should look forawrd to my prime number birthday next year.
Try cod liver oil tablets (2 a day) to get rid of the popping in your joints – worked for me!
Happy birthday, punk!
Looks like I’m having a prime number birthday this year, too.
mine is today. I am staying 1 year ahead of you.
man, 38 sucks. enjoy 37 while you can.