I noticed that the airflow from the air conditioner was kind of low last night.
This morning I opened up the system and found the filter nearly clogged with soot. I took the filter outside and washed it clean. Here is the residue of some of what was on the filter.
Nasty huh?
My helpful hint to you is to check your air filter and clean it before we reach the height of the summer and you really need the air conditioning.
Thanks for the reminder, I gotta do that.
Thanks for the reminder.
I would like to remind you to also flush your hot water heater once a year. I am going to be doing that tomorrow. Should save on heating costs, and keep the heater in better health 🙂
Looks like the aftermath of smoker’s cough.
If you’ve got central air, it also helps to have your ducts cleaned every few years.
We’ve been in our house for about 6 years, and I’ve been putting off getting that done. Not looking forward to it.
MMMMMMmmmmmm, i can taste that southern cali air now…
Hmmmm…”dude, you’ve got Alien Black Oil in your air conditioner!” 😉