Wish list

I just saw the new top item on my wish list.
It’s a Tivoli Audio Model Three AM/FM Clock Radio.
My god it’s sweet. Too bad my birthday isn’t for a couple more months…


3 thoughts on “Wish list”

  1. My friend mike (http://www.vogelcam.com/) has, I believe, a model one and a model two. Hell, even my mom has a model one.
    I desire one, but but have not yet allocated the fundage for the following:
    Model Three AM/FM Clock Radio
    Model Three Dual Alarm Speaker
    Model Subwoofer
    Model CD
    These devices would make my bedroom audio situation disappear. It would also make about 600 USD disappear 🙂

  2. Didn’t we buy this for you last Christmas? It seems like we have given two of these to you.
    I’m sure I have bought at least one of these.
    I’m confused.

  3. OK, orginally I wanted a Model One radio. It is a mono radio. That year I recieved 3. They were great.
    Next year, the Tivoli company came out with a Model Two. The Model Two was in stero and allowed me to use it as computer speakers.
    Now, the Model Three is a clock radio in the Tivoli style. My current clock radio sucks. The Model Three rules. I want to replace suck with rule.
    Make sense?

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