On a lighter note

This week has been a blur. Much happens, little gets blogged. Catch up time.
Sonny at bionicjive.org has few kick ass layouts. I like the ‘The Revolution’ skin.
Two great games are coming out in the next few weeks. Both Battlefield Vietnam and Unreal Tournament 2004 look to be absolutely kick ass.
I’m moving Michele to a Typepad blog. Until I get the DNS stuff resolved, you can see the scarymommy here. Michele says Typepad is kick ass.
Martin’s got a kick ass post about gay marriage.
Special Hawaiian Edition Spam. Kick ass good food.
Finally, it look’s like Robert Rodriguez (Desperado, From Dusk til Dawn) is making a film based on John Carter, Warlord of Mars. Kick ass!!! I told you all it would make a good movie.


8 thoughts on “On a lighter note”

  1. I hope the Mars movie doesn’t suck. Other than LOTR, almost every sci-fi/fantasy movie that’s been made from a book in the last few decades has been dreadful.

  2. I agree…Typepad is galactically cool. I was blown away at how powerful _and_ easy it is to use. And it has virtually all the MT goodies under the hood…and they’re all usable in the Pro version. IMO, it’s one of those products that you are “happy” to pay for because it truly does its job well.

  3. The revolution skin does kick ass…
    The August Knights will have a BF Vietname server up the night after it’s released. Be sure to look for it.

  4. Damn! I’m gonna miss SXSW again this year! I’ve really got to get my planning organized. =(
    Ahh UT2K4, I traded in a bunch of crap at EBGames the other day and I preordered it. Went ahead and paid for the whole damn thing. We’ll have to try and get together for this one Mike. I have new computer parts and I’ll be able to actually play. =)

  5. Argh. Seeing the Spam thing makes me cringe. It is so much better to make your own Spam Musubis (which, BTW, Yahoo mispelled in your link) than buy them pre-made. The thought of canned nori makes me squirm.
    Oh, and I used to live in Kailua. Heh.

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