Camera Phone Fun

As I mentioned before, I picked up a Nokia 3650 phone and have been running around taking pictures.
Here’s one I took today on my way to a meeting at work:

The phone has so many functions, I still haven’t figured out how to do one tenth of what it can do.
In other news, I bought the full set of Giant Robot DVDs.

For those that don’t know, Johnny Sokko and Giant Robot is a series from Japan in the late 60s that was dubbed into English and shown in the US in the 70s, when I was a young boy.
My brother and I loved Giant Robot because he was controlled by the young boy, Johnny Sokko. We could easily imagine ourselves being Johnny and would often act out Giant Robots movements.

I played the first episode for the girls yesterday and they loved it. Thanks to the interent, almost anything from my memory is instantly available to me.


    6 thoughts on “Camera Phone Fun”

    1. As someone who has the 5 Johnny Sokko VHS tapes, I can vouch for the excellent quality of early 70s TV. You WILL bring in those DVDs for me to examine. Or I will hit you with a Megaton Punch.

    2. I remember Johnny Sokko too. Is my age showing?
      I was thinking about trying out that phone because it works internationally and I have a trip to another continent in two weeks. Hmm…

    3. Five bucks says you got that DVD set from the guy I used to work for at the Shrine Audiotorium. He’s the only one who put his VHS copies onto DVDs and could clean them up. =P
      He torrrrrtured me with those ~ ohjeez. There is just no escaping robots…

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