Working in paradise

Currently, I’m in Orlando for a series of meetings about dry IT topics. We just so happen to also be at Walt Disney World.
As a break in the day, we took a trip to see underneath Disney. After a quick trip on the monorail, we were soon walking down into the Utilidoor beneath the Magic Kingdom. The Utlidoor is the beneath ground aspect of the themepark that allows the cast members to prepare for work out of sight of the guests.
The complex underneath the Magic Kingdom is huge, based on a ring that is around two miles long. Places for people to get costumes, change, eat, rest, and do anything else are all in place. Seeing the rubberheads half out of costume was strange. I don’t recommened ever letting a child see it. 🙂
After the tour, we were back at work pouring over some spreadsheet. One of the guys, Paul, had a Treo 600 and I got to play with it while not paying attention. Here’s a selfportrait I took of us sitting around the table.

That’s my first camera phone picture. I don’t know if I want a Treo 600. It’s cool and all, but all I wanted to do was take a picture and make phone calls. The Treo 600 seems like a bit of overkill.
Time for me to get ready to head out to continue work on ‘business process mapping’ and ‘optimization opportunity’. I’m living in Dilbert land.


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