It’s my birthday, It’s my birthday

Today I turn 36. Woot!
I would like to take this time to say thanks to all the loyal cruft readers for your comments and email throughout the year. If there was no one reading this page, it wouldn’t be much fun. Thanks for visiting!
Time to head off to work now. I’m a bit worn out from yesterday’s party, but that’s nothing a cup of coffee won’t fix. 🙂


    9 thoughts on “It’s my birthday, It’s my birthday”

    1. One day in the enlightened future it will be well understood why those born on the 28th day in July are, well, better than those who were not. In the mean time, lets just keep it to ourselves.I know, however that many people see me and think,”wow! July 28th, what a lucky bastard.”
      ‘Lucky’, …perhaps. But I was not trying to toss a coin into one of 365 plates to win a prize! I was being born! Its not as if some other day on the calendar would have worked. I was born on July 28th! It is an element of creation. If long ago, people had adopted some other type of calendar, or ways of naming time, I am certain that I still, would have been born on,…. Thats Right, On July 28th!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!? Well yea, Its Ju-freakin-Ly The 28th ,..isnt it?!!!!!
      have been born on,…thats right, JULY 28th!!!

    2. By the way, my mother in law was born on July the 27th. She is a wonderful woman, but what the Hell is up with that?!!

    3. By the way, my mother in law was born on July the 27th. She is a wonderful woman, but what the Hell is up with that?!!

    4. By the way, my mother in law was born on July the 27th. She is a wonderful woman, but what the Hell is up with that?!!

    5. By the way, my mother in law was born on July the 27th. She is a wonderful woman, but what the Hell is up with that?!!

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