The heat is going to be arriving soon here in Sunny Southern California, and I am getting a quick post in before the day really begins.
Mira blowing out candles with Zoe in support.
The birthday fun is over and Sunday I spent part of the day hanging out with James. Michele got the cleaning bug and scoured the living room until it looks like a scene from Martha Stewart Living.
I did my part and at Michele’s request put in a DVD/VCR combo up front. The girls are all excited about this because now they don’t need to use the Playstation to watch DVDs.
Over at Metafilter, I saw a post on Science Toys to make with your kids. Very cool. We’ll be making crystal radios soon.
Mrs. Diggs is feeling the LA lifestyle, even in Kansas (no permalink, go to July 10).
I’m feeling the need to build a computer. I have no reason, but the need remains. James’s discussions of mini-itx and Squidly’s good work have inspired me.
Time for work…
what a lovely birthday cake! wish i had been there.
Making a PC would be a cool science project for the girls. If you have any old hardware lying around you could mod it into one of their old toys or something. Turn that EZ-Bayk Oven ™ into an EZ-Bayk PIII 650 with 128 Meg of ram!