Independance Day

Today we celebrate the Independance of our country and the great things our nation has done.

The American Flag by Zoe Pusateri

I’ll be leaving in a bit to go pick up the Girls at the airport. Hopefully the airport trip will be smooth and uneventful, unlike last year.
Yesterday I bought a bicycle. A Giant Cypress for those that know bikes. I rode it up to the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. The uphill ride showed me how out of shape I am. I drank my tea and finished my book. I wish Michele had been there to soak up the early morning quiet too.
Last night I played some Neverwinter nights with Travis, Brad, and Yoshi. I was having a good time until I had to take out my contacts. I wore them too long and the dust from mowing the lawn wasn’t helping. I bailed out of the game before Midnight and had to go put magic blinding goop in my eyes so I could see today. Hopefully we’ll carry on later this weekend.
I got a call from Martin last night. He made it to Kansas safe and sound. I learn more details of the trip later. Right now they are busy unpacking. Muah-ha-ha-ha…
That’s all for now, I need to head to the airport. Have a fun holiday and be safe.


3 thoughts on “Independance Day”

  1. Happy 4th of July

    Wish I knew how to put a wonderful picture here, but will just write a few words instead. Happy Birthday to us! Let Freedom ring! America is an Idea. Let’s keep this idea alive and cherish it! As citizens of…

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