I bow down to Griff over at Ultramicroscopic.
He is the dad-blogger I aspire to be. His latest post puts into graphics & words the experience of being a father of young children, while desperately trying to remain 25 and hip.
I had the chance to drink a few beers with him at SXSW and he’s just as funny in person. Except when he got his bike stolen, at which point he was a bit sad and ready to kill someone.
4 thoughts on “The Truth”
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i will find that bike, and the person responsible. oops, gotta go, kids are on fire.
I should point out that Griff was not the only great Dad or Dad-to-be that I met at SXSW.
Why is it that I think of you and the California way every time I j-walk at an intersection, crossing even though the light clearly says “Don’t Walk” but the road is empty so I go anyways? It makes me laugh every time I do it, with Texas style. No, no car would dare to hit me!
love griff’s site… great stuff…. cool-ass wallpapers…
End-of-Week Blog Wrap-Up
This week, Kathleen proposes that she and Daddy open a porn business, while Dad Chronicles wonders why it’s all his fault: At this point the fury is white-hot, the rage against the uncaring world is manifest and everyone knows that…