My brother mention that there were a few things out of date on my site. So I’ve fixed a few things up here and there. Here are a few of the changes:
My mother’s weblog, egads, she’s 60+ and obsessed with blogging…
I linked to a story from 1997 about coffee, wow I’ve been posting stories on the net for almost six years.
Please let me know if you see any problems or have any questions. Most of the changes were subtle, but you never know what I may have messed up.
3 thoughts on “Upkeep”
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i’ve read the coffee story several times before and i never tire of it. you could’ve lost your eye, you know (can you hear the mother in my voice?)
and on another note, audrey won’t get off my lap because she sees the picture of you and your smap and she loves you.
You can leave Audrey with Michele and me. The breast feeding will be tough, but we’ll manage.
Your Dad got home this morning,and finally got the DSL working. So I will blogging again soon.