10 Minute Break

Time for a ten minute break from working 04 budgets and media technology. Let’s see how much I can write.
This morning I went to Zoe’s school assembly and got to see all the kids dance in various ways. There was marching, a maypole, and Zoe’s class did the mexican hat dance. Michele stayed up last night sewing a special Mexican style skirt for Zoe to wear. The children were very cute and earnest in their presentation. I’ll post pictures later.
Over at Jish’s site the story about Ghyslain, the Star Wars dancing French-Canadian kid, continues. It seems his lawyer is making noises about suing the kids that uploaded the original video. I’m kinda torn. I still feel good about donating money to the kid, but the idea of suing leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I see both sides and it’s not easy to be judgemental.
Notes in a special place
Over at Ultramicroscopic I saw a link to this page about leaving messages on the toliet paper. Hi-larious. I need to do some of this around the office.
OK, ten minutes are up. The link cut & paste takes time. Tonight I’ll post about the Enemy Territory release.


One thought on “10 Minute Break”

  1. hey wow, thanks for the link. I’m glad other people are finally leaving messages 🙂
    it makes me feel more normal. if that’s possible.

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