I’m up an hour too late. I should be sleeping, but instead I’m in front of the computer.
We must be nearing the weblog apocalypse. My Mother has got her weblog groove on and is posting now. Today, she wrote about my brother’s post. I have no idea where this is going to end up.
Think about it, my 60-something year old mother is BLOGGING.
I went to Fry’s today at lunch and didn’t buy a thing. I joked that what I wanted to buy was more time. Time to do things. I was checking out the new micro-rockets that need 50 ft to launch into. Maybe next time.
A few days ago I posted about the icon buttons I made in the mold of Tay McKnight’s. I made a Powered by Linux button for my own use and it got post on the main Steal These Buttons page. Today I saw someone using the button I made at HitorMiss.org. I felt happy that someone liked the button enough to use it.
Night all.
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Today is “Buy Planetside Day”(tm)
So how does it feel to be the second-favorite son?
You are below your brother in the links bar…