The caffiene withdrawal drama is slowly leaving, but I still crave the taste of a nice cold ice coffee.
I just got a call from Michele, my wife, She’s driving down to Disneyland for a couple of hours with her friend Jenny. Since I work for the Mouse, don’t cost nothing.
Wish I was going. Instead, I have 4+ hours of meeting scheduled. Joy.
Here’s an interesting article on the making of the amazing Honda ‘Cog’ commercial.
The rest of the week should be better. I’m seeing the Matirx tomorrow and going to E3 Thursday & Friday.
Any Cruft readers also going to E3?
4 thoughts on “I don’t need no stinking caffiene”
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I wish I was going to E3. I got an invitation in the mail and I was all excited ,but then I realized I would have to pay to register *and* get a plane ticket out there *and* pay for somewheres to stay…..can’t afford that right now… =(
Why are you giving up glorious caffiene?
your email said the fifteen, your post says tomorrow. when is this movie?
I’ve seen cog. No wya would I have believed it was “real”. Despite that article, I’m still not convinced.