
After a week of meetings and work I finally have a day to rest before launching off again. Next week, I’ll be in Las Vegas for the NAB convention. I’ve been going since 1990, only missing two years, so this will be my 11th trip to NAB. Nevertheless, I am still a bit excited. The changes in technology and inside Disney promise to make for interesting times ahead.
At the office, I was in a meeting with Scott McNealy, CEO of Sun Microsystems. He said a lot of interesting stuff. He’s definitely not afraid to think differently. He did make an good point. He said that companies shouldn’t use open source software directly. He means you shouldn’t download source and compile it yourself. Let others handle it for you. Why have a linux kernel expert on staff when you can pay for the expertise instead? The advantage to the company is that the price charged for software with equivalent open source software can never get too high. If Sun was to charge too much for StarOffice, a company could easily switch to OpenOffice. You get the benefit of price control without the headache of software management. It’s a very valid point for larger businesses.
I’ve been playing Shadowbane and even got into the beta for Planetside. I don’t have time to go into the details, but I will later.
I’ve been a little out of the loop this week. Between no time at work for surfing and all the tech troubles at home, my blogrolling page is scrolling by unmonitored. I’ll catch up, but I think I’d rather spend time with my daughters than reading weblogs for a bit.


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