A couple days ago I made the trackback explanation because Anil & Dave were talking about it. I didn’t think much about it. I mean, I have made dozens of pages about stuff from building a cantenna to how to BBQ on a charcoal starter and not many paid attention.
Evidently, I posted the link to the explanation in the right place. I checked my stats today and suddenly I’ve got a ton of hits.
Here’s what my traffic looks like:
The last two days are a bit out of the ordinary to say the least.
I looked at the referrer logs and see tons of hits from assorted weblogs, boingboing, and several of the weblog stat sites: Daypop, popdex, and blogdex. It seems like once a link gets a little popular on a few weblogs, it can get very popular quickly.
People must be looking to see what’s popular and as a result makes it more popular. It’s a neat effect but the popularity is fleeting.
Perhaps I just hit a spot that needed clarity and people swarmed on it. I wonder what other concepts out there need more clarity?
LOTR Photochops
Below are the photos I took at the LotR viewing. It seems Travis’s buddies have begun to photochop them.
Here is my favorite by Mad Bushman:
Night folks. I got to present at an 8:30 AM meeting tomorrow with a bunch of heavy hitters in the company. Although it’s not like I can go to sleep now. Michele’s hogging the bathroom while she dyes her hair some color…
3 thoughts on “I’m a geek, how can I be popular?”
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I hope your sudden popularity won’t hit you with unexpected bandwidth bills — look what happened to Glenn Fleishman!
Mike, your link to blogdex above is buggered (looks like a relative link). Not trying to be pithy, just wanted to let you know.
Fixed the link. Thanks for catching that!