haha, I love the way you put it…”ponder how fantastic it would be to have the dvd commentary on a porn flick”. That is great stuff.
I get it. I make a post about porn and everyone ‘cept brave roXet is afraid to post.
It’s ok, everyone watches porn… You can admit it…
The closest to porn I’ve seen recently were those disturbing dancing things on your main page.
>It’s ok, everyone watches porn… You can admit >it…
It’s just that I heard so much about it… I tried it once and then my credit card reached its limit.
I used to enjoy reading the LA Times’ “TV Times” synopses of cable porno movies such as “TANNED FANNIES: Female patron at tanning salon needs pool cleaning boy to help operate tanning machine.”
He isn’t “brave”, he just can’t pass up an opportunity to talk about pr0n. 🙂
Video blogging
There’s been lots of talk lately about alternative ways to post to your weblog. Michael over at Cruftbox has been
haha, I love the way you put it…”ponder how fantastic it would be to have the dvd commentary on a porn flick”. That is great stuff.
I get it. I make a post about porn and everyone ‘cept brave roXet is afraid to post.
It’s ok, everyone watches porn… You can admit it…
The closest to porn I’ve seen recently were those disturbing dancing things on your main page.
>It’s ok, everyone watches porn… You can admit >it…
It’s just that I heard so much about it… I tried it once and then my credit card reached its limit.
I used to enjoy reading the LA Times’ “TV Times” synopses of cable porno movies such as “TANNED FANNIES: Female patron at tanning salon needs pool cleaning boy to help operate tanning machine.”
He isn’t “brave”, he just can’t pass up an opportunity to talk about pr0n. 🙂
Video blogging
There’s been lots of talk lately about alternative ways to post to your weblog. Michael over at Cruftbox has been