HTML Fiddling

I finally took a few minutes to make the site more readable via non-IE browers. I put the main part in a clearly defined table instead of purse CSS and the site looks identical under both IE & Mozilla under WinXP. The right column shows up all the time now.
If you still have viewing problems, let me know.


3 thoughts on “HTML Fiddling”

  1. w00t!!! We (the geek and I) are in the process of moving completely to Linux and I noticed this afternoon that your site was ever so slightly askew in Opera (our only browser at the moment). And look you have already fixed it!! Looks perfect!!
    Now I really feel like a doofus, because my site looks off in anything non-IE right now too. :-/ :shaking head: and I call myself 1337. heheh

  2. YAY! Finally your site works properly in Mozilla on my brandy new Mac. Oh yeah, did James tell you that I ~switched~ back to Macs? Got myself a gleaming new Titanium iBook running OS X. Yay for Unix! 🙂

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