I am sitting in Round Table Pizza. Thanks to a laptop & Sprint’s wireless net access, I am live on the net.
I headed out to pick up a new cell phone for Michele. Radio Shack had the model she want’s on sale for $99, that’s fifty bucks off the best price I could find on the net. The flyer said the deal was only valid until Friday, so I had to act to save the cash.
Since the last time we visited the Round Table pizza, the girls have wanted to return. The place has a video game section and since the girls are my progeny, they crave video games. They demanded that we eat out dinner at ‘the game place’ and I gave in.
I have a mug of beer, a nice salad, and i’m waiting for the pizza. The girls are playing games. Not a bad way to wait for dinner.
The Angels are playing the Yankees on the TV. I’m not really a big Angels fan, but I’d sure love them to smack the taste out of New York’s mouth and boot them out of the playoffs in the first round.
Check that, it’s San Francisco vs. Atlanta on TV. I hope SF loses.