
If you look to the right —>
You’ll see a search box. You can now search through the annals of Cruft history easily. I’ll pretty it up when I get time. So if you are getting here via an external search engine, you can try finding what you are looking for via my search box.


4 thoughts on “Search”

  1. Your right hand box on the main page doesn’t show in netscape 7 or mozila 1 on my system (win2k, protected by zone alarms). Looks fine in MSIE6.
    NS and Mozilla show the pinkish background, but none of the text or the search box.

  2. Thanks for the post. The linkage is all at the bottom when viewed via Mozilla. I refuse to load Netscape…
    I’ll try to figure out what I did wrong with the HTML. Looks like IE is fixing the error, but Mozilla isn’t.
    Perhaps my web-saavy brother can help me out.

  3. Hrrm, after wasting an hour learning that IE, Mozilla, and Netscape all have big problems interpreting CSS in the same way, I’m not sure what to do.
    When I run an HTML validator, it gives me hundreds of errors about using the breack tag. WTF?

  4. Hey, try this: if you have the verticle alignment set as top (couldnt check the style sheet because it is external), change that to text-top. I had that problem before that that fixed it. All browsers should either accept it.

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